Pricing for Services/Roll

Develop and scan color 35mm and 110:

$15.99, Student $14.99

Develop, scan, and print color 35mm or 110:

$22.99 for 24 to 27-exposure roll (4X6 prints), Student $21.99

$24.99 for 36-exposure roll (4X6 prints), Student $22.99

Develop and print, no scan, color 35mm or 110 roll:

$15.99 for 24 to 27-exposure roll (4X6 prints)

$17.99 for 36 exposure roll (4X6 prints)

Develop and scan color traditional 1/2 frame:


Develop, scan, and print color traditional 1/2 frame:


Develop and scan 120:


Print-only, from digital files:

$.50 each, minimum 20 (4X6 prints)

Scan Only:

$20 and up per cut negative strip

$30 and up per uncut negative (like a whole roll)

$5 and up per slide

$10 and up per printed photo

A Note on Hard Deadlines and Rush Services

We need to figure this out with you before you drop off, and it’s going to cost more—upwards of 100%.

The turnaround estimates we give for normal services are not adequate for meeting project deadlines unless you plan ahead.

A Note on Negatives

If you say you want your negatives, we will hold them for TWO WEEKS after sending your digital files. They will be disposed of if you don’t come by to pick them up.